Changing to a T.I.E.

A pair of black rimmed spectacles resting atop some paperwork

If you have Spanish residency, you can opt to change to the modern TIE card.

Residencia in Spain was issued as a paper certificate. This can now be exchanged for a full biometric ID card. They are valid for 5 years. The benefits include: easier storage, simpler to carry with you, can also be used as photo ID.

What will we do?

  • We will provide you with the relevant paperwork.
  • We can copy your documentation for you.
  • We will ensure that the application form is filled in correctly for you.
  • We can ensure the fee is paid correctly.
  • We will make sure your padrón is up to date and if not, help fix that.
  • We will arrange an appointment for you at the nearest available office.


What can we help you with?